Search Results (2 titles)

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Esquinas, Antonio, Silva, Lic. (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León, A.C. (X)

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El Escuadrón Suicida de la Criminología : Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”

By: Dr. Lic. Antonio Silva Esquinas; Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez

This article offers an analysis of innovative new ethnographic methods which have come about in recent times during our research studies. We start by contextualizing the state of ethnographic research in Spain, with a focus on its usage by Spanish Criminologists before discussing “instant ethnography” and “auto-ethnography”. Lastly, we use field notes from our ethnographic studies on youth nightlife environments in Magaluf – a touristic zone famous for its party atmosphere - and at various Spanish raves and discuss the advantages and limitations of these particular tools....

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En la Ciudad del Positivismo Perdido : Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana

By: Lic. Dr. Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez; Antonio Silva Esquinas

In the present paper we make an approach to understanding how post-positivism, liquidity and capitalism have affected through its neoliberal current the schools of thought in Social Sciences and their research methods. This approach is based on three distinctive realities such as: the phenomena of political refugees, the homeless and cyberporn so that we can observe the current limitations in research matters in relation to certain phenomenologies and we will propose the tackling of said issues by using a more urban criminology and mixed methods....

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